And there she was, a nice looking 10 year young Sturier 620 OC named Balou. Our task; sail her from Stavoren, The Netherlands to Saint Tropez in France. Our 4 men crew prepared the yacht that was completely serviced by Sturier Yachts Shipyard.
Due to a low pressure area with some severe winds and waves we decided to shelter in the port of Calais. A good choice because during the night a strong force 8 was on the loose.
The next day it was calm again and around midday we we cast off and set sail for Baiona, Spain. There we had the trusted help of our agent Pavana Services. After some checks and servicing we enjoyed the hospitality of this nice little town. Early morning at 4.00 we sailed away towards Gibraltar for refueling.
Although the plan was to make a stop-over at Denia, we decided to sail straight to Saint Tropez. There we received a nice helping hand and support from Lalmy Care With a total delivery time of 12 days and not any technical issue,, this Sturier showed again the high level of quality.